Saturday, September 11, 2010

Where were you on September 11, 2001?

[Originally posted to Facebook on September 11, 2010]

I remember I was at home, in our rented house in Lemay. It was a morning during the week, and I had been at my new job at ITT for about three months. Ann was working for MSD. Early in the morning, she called me and asked if I could get on-line, because the network connection was very very slow, and there were an unusual number of planes flying overhead. I couldn't get on-line either, so I went upstairs and turned on the television to CNN.

The first thing I saw was the first replay of a plane hitting one of the World Trade Center towers, about halfway up. The other tower was already on fire near the top. At the crawl at the bottom of the television display, there was a news update reporting a possible fire at the Pentagon. Soon it was reported that it was a third plane that had crashed there. I wondered how bad this was going to get. I sat down and watched for the next four hours, thinking to myself, "This is when everything changes. We're going to war."

This heinous crime was committed by religious zealots, and all people of faith, of all religions, should take affirmative steps to condemn these infamous actions and ensure that nothing like this is ever perpetrated again in the name of anyone's God.

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